######## Backends ######## `django-anysign`'s signature backend encapsulates signature workflow and integration with vendor specific implementation. .. note:: The backend API is quite experimental. This document deals with both vision (concepts) and current implementation (which may improve). ****************** Scope of a backend ****************** A signature backend is typically known by models and views. They use the backend to perform vendor-specific operations. The backend contains vendor-specific implementation that has to be shared with several consumers such as models and views. A signature backend also typically knowns the workflows. So it should be helpful for URL resolution. ********************************* django-anysign's SignatureBackend ********************************* Here is the current implementation of base backend. .. autoclass:: django_anysign.backend.SignatureBackend :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :member-order: bysource *********************************** django-dummysign's SignatureBackend *********************************** Here is the demo signature backend implementation provided by :ref:`django-dummysign-section`. .. literalinclude:: /../django_dummysign/backend.py :language: python